Steps to becoming a Registered Land Surveyor in Nebraska by Reciprocity:
- Request verification of your state registrations from NCEES.
- Complete the United States Citizenship Attestation Form and the Application For Registration To Practice Land Surveying. Every question on the application form should be answered. Please return the completed application along with the $40.00 application fee made payable to the Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors, 555 N. Cotner Blvd., Lower Level, Lincoln, NE 68505.
- Questionnaires will be mailed to your references. When questionnaires are received (this can take several weeks depending upon your references) your application will be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting. (Board meeting dates can be found on our website.)
- If the Board approves your application you will be informed that you have two years from the date of the Board meeting to schedule your examination. You will also receive Questions Relative to Surveying in Nebraska which you are to complete and bring to your written exam. If your application is denied for any reason the application fee will not be refunded.
- The 4 hour open book examination and the following short oral examination are given by individual appointment in the Board's office in Lincoln, NE. The reciprocity examination is comprised of three parts outlined as follows:
- Part I
A short take-home examination which will be sent to you upon approval of your application. - Part II
A four hour open book examination consisting of eighteen short answer and three computation questions covering topics specific to the practice of land surveying in Nebraska. - Part III
A short oral examination. - Upon completion of the examination your application will be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- If the Board approves your examination you will be notified of such and requested to pay the $100.00 registration fee.
- Once your registration fee is received you will be sent your Certificate of Registration, your identification card and your LS seal.
It is suggested that you carefully read and understand the Nebraska Statutes and also the By-Laws and Rules of the Board of Examiners which are published in the annual report.